Hon. Michael E. Malone is an associate judge for the Anne Arundel County Circuit Court in Maryland. Appointed by Governor Larry Hogan in October 2021, Judge Malone has a diverse legal background. He served as a delegate, representing District 33 in the Maryland House of Delegates from 2015 to 2021. During his tenure, he was involved in various committees, including the Judiciary Committee, the Opioid Work Group, and the Work Group to Address Police Reform and Accountability in Maryland. Before his judicial appointment, Malone specialized in family law and general litigation at his own private practice, the Law Office of Michael Malone, in Gambrills.

Judge Malone holds a Bachelor of Science in accounting and a Master of Science in industrial and labor relations from West Virginia University, and a Juris Doctor from the University of Baltimore School of Law. He has been an active member of the Maryland State Bar Association and the Anne Arundel County Bar Association, and has held various civic roles, including past president of the Davidsonville Ruritan Club and the West Anne Arundel County Rotary Club. Malone is a married father of four and has been involved in numerous community and professional organizations throughout his career.

Hon. Michael E. Malone

Political influence

Hon. Michael E. Malone

Media Reputation

Hon. Michael E. Malone


Hon. Michael E. Malone


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